Saturday, September 3, 2011

How To Use Comments To Persuade Internet Users To Visit Your Website

All online marketers spend most of their time trying to drive traffic to their sites to make money. But driving traffic to your website or blog has never been easy. It requires a lot of marketing skills, time, money, consistency, passion, patience and many others.

One of the ways I have found effective, and which compels internet users to visit my website, is by visiting other sites and leave a comment. When I also read other authors' articles and I find them useful, I leave a comment. Do you do that? Well, it sounds difficult and time consuming but the day you will begin making comments on other people's websites and blogs, you will find it a powerful tool worth applying in marketing your website.

What I have discovered is that quite a good number of internet users rush to click away after reading very useful information on other people's websites or blogs. In many cases this is free information, completely free. You only have to surf the internet and access it. But it takes someone's effort, knowledge and time to have that information available for you. It's therefore a good practice to leave a comment, a feedback, a compliment and/or a positive criticism.

That said, my simple advice to all online marketers is to begin leaving comments on the websites you visit to get useful information. By so doing, you will not only motivate the writer, but you will also add value to the content for other users to benefit. The most important benefit is that you will indirectly market your website to the visited site owners and other internet users that visit the same site. Do you see how it works? Learn to leave a comment! I repeat, learn to leave a comment!

How do you write a comment that compels someone to visit your website, your blog? It's important to know that when you choose to make a comment, your comment should be well thought out. It should come out of you naturally and genuinely. It can be an appreciation or a compliment. It can also be a supplement to the article content or a positive criticism. Whichever trend your comment takes, it has to be precise, motivating and written in understandable English.

People feel good and motivated when appreciated or when good feedback is given on their content, products or services. The excitement they get with your nice comments motivates them to click on your website link to know more about you and what you do. Not only that, they also feel compelled to publish your comments on their sites for other visitors to read.

When other internet users visit to read the same articles you read, they find your comments and read them. And if they find them adding value, they are irresistibly persuaded to follow the link to your website. This means that when you are writing comments, you should endeavor to leave a link to your website. It can be done by either filling in your website link in the form provided or by creating it within the body of your comment. You may also use an anchor, where applicable, to attract other visitors to visit your website. It's always good to give your full names to make your comments more believable.

In conclusion, marketing with comments is an effective way of attracting traffic to your website. Although, it takes some time to see the impact, it has long term benefits to online marketers. Just go ahead to use this free marketing tool, you will benefit abundantly.

Charles Kiyimba owns and where popular home business ideas and opportunities are tested rigorously to find out what works and what doesn't. Visit today to discover the secrets behind building a successful home business.

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